Why I think referrals can sometimes be bad for business


I come across many lawyers and accountants who tell me “most of their business comes from referrals”. It’s said almost as confirmation that they must be doing something right, and I wouldn’t necessarily disagree with that. But it’s my experience that I usually hear it from the people who are using it to justify not […]

SEO for Law Firms – The Importance of Being ‘Visible’

Many law firms bemoan the shifting landscape that Google and wider advancements in technology have brought about – namely, the intensifying competition for firms as access to services and suppliers becomes easier for clients. As the ‘home’ of information, Google is essentially countering traditional perceptions of the legal marketplace by presenting people with more choice than […]

Email Marketing for Lawyers

email marketing

Email marketing for lawyers is a form of direct marketing, which uses electronic means to deliver your firm’s messages to your target audiences. Used effectively, this type of digital marketing can deliver a high return on investment. There are many ways in which email marketing can work: Transaction emails: for example, when a prospective client […]

Proposal development for law firms: be compliant, be responsive

proposal development

Proposals are nothing new and yet even now I come across law firms – many large, award-winning ones – still struggling with them tremendously. I know lots of bid managers in law firms, and in all honesty, I don’t envy them much. Let me explain. Lawyers are pressed in terms of time management and fee […]

Social media law firms: Avoiding the pitfalls

social media

Social media for professional services firms seems to have been around for an age. Now part of our everyday lives, it’s no longer considered a new technology. In consumer markets, take up of social channels was rapid and it’s now a well-established part of the marketing mix. But the same can’t be said for social media […]

Content marketing for law firms

content marketing

Given its impact on clients’ purchasing behaviour, word of mouth continues to be the principal generator of work for professional service firms. Firms have historically tried to leverage WOM predominantly through ‘thought leadership’ marketing; providing viewpoints, clarity to ambiguous problems, and solutions through offline ‘content’ such as newsletters, white papers and articles. Sharing knowledge with […]

How social media should work for law firms!

how social media should work for law firms

Often the problem with social media adoption in law firms is the resigned belief among firm leaders that only word of mouth and professional networking contribute to developing legal business. And this is usually further exacerbated by concerns around professional reputation, and the inherent risks of widespread communication, a lack of ownership, and confusion around […]

Why Law Firms Need Digital Strategists

digital strategist

It’s fairly accepted in a modern law firm marketing environment that traditional marketing and promotional techniques will only get a firm so far. For many firms, markets are no longer restricted by ‘location’, meaning firms – via digital methods – are able to supply legal services anywhere in the world. Operating in this environment law […]

Tips for creating valuable content for law firms

valuable content

Content marketing should be old news for professional service firms. But it’s not. Although professional practitioners have used marketing methods such as newsletters, white papers and email marketing in the past to prove and showcase their expertise – other industries are now leaps and bounds ahead in the way they approach content marketing. Social media […]

Why law firms are still failing at social media!

why law firms are still failing at social media

Every firm knows about social media. Many have some sort of social media presence but very few have implemented a successful social media strategy that maximises the potential benefits. For law and accountancy firms, social media can be a useful tool to help you build relationships with potential clients, increase the responsiveness and effectiveness of […]